Third runway plan ‘terrifying’

Tara Murray

“It’s terrifying.”

That’s the thoughts of long time Keilor resident and Keilor Historical Society president Susan Jennison after seeing the draft plans for the third runway at Melbourne Airport.

Like many others, Mrs Jennison knew the moment was coming but seeing the impact of the runway and the arrival and departure of planes on paper was hard to read.

The plans show that more than 200 planes a day will fly over Keilor and neighbouring suburbs.

“It is formidable,” she said.

“The vision statement … it equates to destroying a neighbouring community. The Keilor region will get the full weight of the activity.

“The east-west runway option would mean less residential departures.

“It’s a big one for us in the Keilor region.

“It’s tough.”

Mrs Jennison said many people who don’t live near an airport or haven’t been affected, don’t seem to understand.

She said noise testing showed that noise levels of many planes flying above Keilor were already more than 70 decibels.

“They talk about the model noise tools, but they need to look at the real noise that we are living with.

“The noise levels at our house are quite horrendous. It would not be permitted in a factory, but we have to have it in our homes.”

Ms Jennison is calling for the airport to implement a curfew to take some of the pressure off neighbouring communities.

In the draft plan, the airport emphasises the need to keep the airport operating 24/7.

“Sydney has a curfew and they have more people working there.

“We’re encouraging them to consider.”

Ms Jennison said residents had a lot of work ahead of them while the plans were out for community consultation.

She is encouraging people to have their say and let the airport know how they feel about the plans.

“We hope like heck to get some co-operation from Brimbank City Council,” she said.

“You try talking to people and I work with community groups… It’s hard but you have to keep on trying as it’s so intrusive.

“It’s not just the infrastructure. It’s the cars and trucks coming from the airport. It’s the health impacts. There’s three schools in the area.”