Growing success

Cindy, Danni, Meron with the awards (supplied)

Tara Murray

The Mother of God Primary School in Ardeer is full of green thumbs

The school received three awards from the Victorian School Gardens Award program, a statewide initiative in which schools with community gardens are celebrated and recognised for their achievements.

Mother of God claimed the state, regional and Kevin Heinze Perpetual awards, with the school receiving $3500 in vouchers to help make the garden better next year.

Western cluster engagement leader Greg Woolford said none of this would have been possible without the whole school community helping in different ways.

“Firstly, our students who work care for and learn in the garden weekly,” he said.

“Second the teachers who inspire and support the students learning in the garden, third Joanna [Temme] our garden educator and manager from Cultivating Community and of course Carol [Henderson] and Ben [Wilhelms] before her who also worked on the garden, and finally our parents and community who care for the chooks, water the gardens over summer, weed and do so much more.”

Mr Woolford said the school was always looking for volunteers to help out with the garden.