Time to get fire ready


Tara Murray

Brimbank and Melton residents are being warned not to use the wet spring as a reason not to be prepared for the upcomingfire season.

While it has been a wetter spring and summer than usual, acting Assistant Chief Fire Officer Paul Hopkins said the risks were still high this fire season.

According to the update of the Australian Seasonal Bushfire Outlook, Victoria is expecting a normal fire season, with below-normal bushfire potential across the east, however the potential for grass fires is still very real across Victoria.

“There’s lots of urban fringe and open spaces with park land and undeveloped areas,” Mr Hopkins said of Brimbank and Melton.

“Most risk for residents and people travelling through the area, is the significant amount of rainfall through spring and there’s a lot of growth in the urban fringe areas.

“At some stage during the summer it will dry out quickly.”

Mr Hopkins said residents need to ensure they are preparing their properties, cutting grass and making sure their fire plan is in place.

He said FRV have contacted Brimbank and Melton councils, along with some private landowners, ahead of the fire season to ensure they are ready for fire season.

“It’s important that residents prepare their properties for the fire season. It is just as important this year, as we’ve had a lot of rain and the grass will dry out and it will become a fire risk.

“A small fire can become a big fire quickly.”

Fire Rescue Victoria Commissioner Ken Block said it’s not just people who live in rural areas that need to be aware of their risk of grass fires this summer.

“If you live on the urban fringe next to grasslands and a fire breaks out, walk two streets back into the built-up areas and wait for emergency services to arrive.

“If you live more than two streets away from grassfires, stay indoors with the windowsills and doors blocked by towels and turn off your air-conditioning.”