Calls to re-open homes for sale


Esther Lauaki

The property inspections ban under COVID restrictions is putting buyers, sellers and renters under extra financial distress and facing homelessness the state’s real estate watchdog said.

Real Estate Institute of Victoria chief executive Gil King said is calling on the state government to allow one-on-one inspections.

He said the REIV was seeing firsthand the financial devastation many people are facing when they cannot sell their assets because of the ban on real estate inspections.

“When people sell, buy or rent a property, they are making some of the most significant financial decisions of their lives,” Mr King said.

“Often these decisions are made from necessity.

“We understand that the larger gatherings at public auctions and open houses are a risk.

“That is not what we are asking for. Private one on one inspections are absolutely safe.”

“While online auctions can occur, they simply aren’t because people cannot see the house they want to buy. The Victorian property market has come to a standstill with zero auctions over the weekend.

“This is about people, buyers, vendors and tenants alike.

“Allowing private inspections means that the market will be ready for revival when the time is right.”

The REIV wants to see one-on-one private inspections allowed by appointment so that people can physically see the property before they commit to a considerable investment.

“Without inspections, buying and leasing cannot proceed, keeping many people out of appropriate housing and pushing many vendors and investors to the brink,” Mr King said.