NICU turns one

216503_01 Mum Anabelle Azzopardi with neonatologist Dr Greg Woodhead and babies Violet and Ethan. (Supplied)

Esther Lauaki

Joan Kirner Women’s and Children’s Hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) celebrated a big milestone this month.

The NICU celebrated one year of operation on September 17 – and what a busy year it was.

The team has looked after more than 1400 babies, including 275 babies who have needed respiratory support and more than 70 who were born before 32 weeks’ gestation.

Dr Clare Collins, Western Health head of neonatology, said she and newborn services nurse unit manager Melissa Dodsworth felt “very privileged to be part of such a great team”.

“A project like this doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work and you have all shown that in spades,” Dr Collins said.

“We have welcomed many new people to our team, all learnt new things and have embraced new ways of working. That in itself is a fantastic achievement, but to have done all this despite a global pandemic is truly awesome.”

Western Health chief executive Russell Harrison said the NICU team delivered “a very, very special service for the community of the west”.

Mr Harrison said the NICU service, which is the only one in Melbourne’s west, meant that families did not have to travel long distances to access very specialised care for their babies.

Esther Lauaki