Supporting the community


Esther Lauaki

Brimbank council continues to remove barriers for the elderly and people with disabilities, as well as supporting volunteers throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

The Disability Action Plan 2017-2020, Age Friendly City Plan 2018-2022 and Volunteer Strategy 2018-2022, were tabled council’s August meeting and outlined the key achievements in the past year.

They included the Library To Your Door and window visit programs introduced to support seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic and the Brimbank Community Register, which was acknowledged at the 2019 Minister for Health Volunteer Awards.

The Brimbank Disability Network Group meetings were moved online to continue to support people with a disability and consultation began with the Brimbank Disability Network Group on the development of new urban design projects, such as the Hampshire Road, Sunshine redevelopment.

Across Brimbank, 16,374 seniors actively participate in registered senior group programs and activities.

There are 440 registered volunteers with council, and in partnership with disability support services, delivered over 120 information sessions, webinars, workshops, carer support programs and events to recognise and celebrate people with disabilities, their families and carers.

Brimbank mayor Georgina Papafotiou said that serving the community is at the heart of the council’s work.

“We are proud to continue delivering improved social and health outcomes for older people, people with a disability and volunteers, recognising the extra support needed during these hard times,” Cr Papafotiou said.

Esther Lauaki