Braybrook: Caroline Chisholm Catholic College teacher comes full circle

A Caroline Chisholm Catholic College student turned teacher will walk out the school doors for the last time this month after nearly 30 years.

Jamie Madigan attended the Braybrook school between 1984 and 1989, meeting his wife, Caroline, while in year 11.

After graduating, he studied for a bachelor of applied science and human movement at Victoria University and then went to the Australian Catholic University to complete his diploma of education.

Four years after finishing year 12, Mr Madigan found himself back at Caroline Chisholm, teaching alongside his former teachers.

“It was really weird at first,” he said.

“I sort of felt a little awkward walking into the staff room … the funny thing for me now is that it’s come full circle and there’s a lot of students that I’ve taught on staff.”

The Taylors Hill father of four started as a physical education teacher and has also taught science, religion, and health and human development.

He was made deputy principal for well-being in 2009 and this year took on the role of deputy principal for faith.

Mr Madigan is leaving after 21 years as a teacher to start his own educational consultancy firm, Innate Education, to run workshops on student and staff well-being.

“Being an ex-student here, I feel like I have that connectedness with the kids – I can really understand what they’re going through, having sat in the same classrooms.

“Now, I walk through the corridors and think, that was where my year and home group was, or that was where that happened.

“It’s difficult, very difficult [to leave], because I’ve loved working here.”