State election: Margaret Giudice out to make Kororoit seat marginal

A former Brimbank mayor has put her hand up to contest the seat of Kororoit in the state election on November 29.

And although she admits she has more chance of winning Tattslotto than wresting the seat from incumbent Labor MP Marlene Kairouz, Margaret Giudice says she’s determined to make the electorate marginal to get residents’ voices heard.

The 58-year-old Keilor Downs resident, who decided to stand less than two weeks ago at the urging of Stop the Tip campaigner Marion Martin, has torn up her Labor Party membership and will stand as an independent.

As well as advocating on behalf of the Stop the Tip group, which is opposing an expansion to the Boral tip in Ravenhall, Ms Giudice said she was keen to address the need for more schools in the area.

“The community’s spoken quite clearly – they don’t want that expansion,” she said of the tip. “It should never have been located there in the first place.

“As an independent, I haven’t got money to throw around. I can’t promise millions and millions.

“We need to make this seat marginal. It seems to be that all the marginal seats get a little bit extra.”

Ms Giudice, who runs her own business, has kept herself busy as a board member for Club Italia in Sunshine since she was among Brimbank councillors sacked by the Ombudsman in 2009.

Ms Martin said she asked Ms Giudice to stand because she wanted someone who would represent the community fairly.

“I know how committed she is to the community,” Ms Martin said.