If you live in or around Melbourne and near grass, bush or reserves, you need to prepare for fire this summer.

Last summer, we saw fast moving grassfires right on the edge of Melbourne, as well as large fires that damaged homes and properties just outside the city fringe. This year, we’re expecting another hot summer that will result in more hot, dry, windy days, increasing the chance of grassfires.

Fire Action Week (beginning Sunday, November 16) is the best time to understand what to do if a fire starts near your home or workplace.

If you live next to grassland, you should have already cleared weeds and removed firewood and rubbish from around your property.

Advice from fire authorities is that if a grassfire starts, and you live directly next to grassland, you need to act quickly and move one or two streets away from the fire. Avoid driving in a grassfire because it will be smoky and hard to see, and traffic jams and accidents are likely.

They also advise that if you don’t live directly next to grassland and a grassfire starts, it’s safer to stay where you are because it’s unlikely a fire will spread past the first row of houses.

If you live near bush, you need to check Fire Danger Ratings daily and monitor weather conditions. On severe, extreme or code red days, the safest option is to get out early.

Prepare for fire now by putting a plan in place for what you’ll do if a fire starts. Discuss it with your household so everyone knows what to do.

For more planning and preparation information, or to check Fire Danger Ratings this summer, go to, download the FireReady app, or call the Victorian Bushfire Information Line on 1800 240 667.

Remember, it’s up to you to understand your fire risk and be ready to act.

The Hon Dr Denis Napthine MP

Premier of Victoria