Sunshine West: Residents fight against McCoubrie Avenue block sale

More than 200 Sunshine West residents have signed a petition opposing Brimbank council’s proposed sale of a vacant block that interconnects their neighbourhood.

The council has said it will sell the land at McCoubrie Avenue, with a report having claimed that the block, with no strategic connection to other open space areas, is surplus to the council’s needs.

The 2798-square-metre block (more than half an acre) links McCoubrie Avenue and Bickley and Nuttall courts.

Former Brimbank mayor Sam David said residents had signed the petition objecting to the sale and they had until today to object or make submissions to the council.

Barbara and John Frahm have lived next door to the block since 1974 and say it was one of the reasons they bought their property.

Ms Frahm said many children crossed the block walking to and from school, while others, their grandchildren included, played there.

Bickley Court resident Roberta Castella said she was concerned developers would purchase the site and build units, which would make surrounding streets busy and disturb the quiet area.

Footscray MP Marsha Thomson has taken up the cause and promised to write to the council on residents’ behalf calling for the site to be saved.

“I know how important green space is in the west. The council have left this barren when they should have fixed it up and made it somewhere nice for residents to use,” she said.

Brimbank council infrastructure and environment director Paul Younis said the area was already well serviced by green areas at Kororoit Creek and Buckingham Reserve, and money from the proceeds of sale would go to improving other community infrastructure.