Remembrance Day: Caroline Springs RSL honours veterans

It’s the time to honour the dead and respect the living – and Caroline Springs RSL will do just that next week on its first Remembrance Day.

The RSL will host a Remembrance Day ceremony at the Caroline Springs Memorial on The Parade at 10.45am next Tuesday after which there will be light food and refreshments at the nearby Pipes Cafe and a lunch at The Club.

The RSL is expecting about 700 people to attend the service, including students from St George Preca, Springside College and other schools in the area.

It’s the first official Remembrance Day service the Caroline Springs club will have held since forming at the start of this year. Caroline Springs RSL president Peter Burquest said Remembrance Day – traditionally, the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month – was a time to honour and respect the people who have served, and are currently serving, the nation.

“It’s always important to a veteran to remember and honour the people we went away with, and those lost,” Mr Burquest said.

“We know what each veteran has had to deal with.”