Lady of the sea reflects on a remarkable life

Captain Victoria Ostrovskaya. Pic Marco De Luca

By Tate Papworth

An 81-year-old Russian sea captain living in Sunshine is putting some of her prized momentos up for sale.

Victoria Ostrovskaya arrived in Australia in 1992 in a bid to become the first Russian woman to solo circumnavigate the world.

She began her trip in Melbourne in 1995, but almost immediately had to return to port after her yacht’s propeller was damaged.

Australian businessman Dick Smith sponsored the repair of the yacht and in January, 1996, she made a second attempt, however bad luck appeared to be following her.

She made it only to Geelong when a motor problem was discovered.

Captain Victoria Ostrovskaya during her journeys . Pic Marco De Luca

Months later she made her third attempt.

“I was in a great hurry because my visa was about to expire and I was under pressure to leave the country,” she said.

“I knew there was a great storm coming and better judgment would be to wait for it to pass, then follow it, but I was under time pressure.”

Captain Ostrovskaya made it to Bass Straight before disaster struck.

“There was a cyclone, the boat got hit by a massive wave and ended up rolling 360 degrees.

“I didn’t want to give up, so I spent seven days and seven nights in the boat with four broken ribs trying to make sure it wouldn’t sink.

“There is not time to think about death. You need to act. I prayed to St Nicholas, the saint patron of sailors to help me in the hopeless situation, but I did not think for a moment about losing life.”

Captain Ostrovskaya eventually issued a mayday and was rescued by a helicopter.

The helicopter that rescued the captain.

While she may not have completed her journey, she still holds a place in history as the first woman in the USSR to solo circumnavigate the Black Sea.

She hopes her items may assist the next sailor in their journey.

“I am selling my sailing bits and pieces because I don’t need them anymore. I am not going to sail, if somebody can make use of them, I will be happy.”

For more information contact: 0437778767