40 years ago

February 5, 1975

Two Sunshine garbage collectors are in Fairfield Infectious Diseases Hospital after contracting serum hepatitis. They are Gregory Ross and Alan Johnston, who share lodgings in Devonshire Road. Both men thought they had caught hepatitis from the household rubbish they handled. Sunshine council was threatened with action until health officers explained that serum hepatitis could only be contracted by inadequately sterilised needles or syringes.

30 years ago

February 6, 1985

A Sunshine manufacturing company has been given a financial boost by the state government, which means the saving of 250 jobs and the possible creation of another 60. Industry, Commerce and Technology Minister Ian Cathie announced last Wednesday that T.I. Industries Pty Ltd, of Derby Road, Sunshine, would receive a substantial loan and an interest rate subsidy for two years. The money is to allow the company to consolidate its national operations.

20 years ago

February 1, 1995

An eight-cinema complex, and three major supermarkets and discount department stores, are likely to be included in the first stage of the proposed regional shopping centre at Sydenham. Construction of the $45 million development, currently called the Keilor Regional Shopping Centre, is expected to begin in the second half of this year. Opening of the centre is planned for late 1996.

10 years ago

February 1, 2005

Cultural diversity is “food to her soul” and, with almost 100 different ethnicities residing in the Brimbank municipality, it’s little wonder St Albans resident Alicia Matene is our Brimbank citizen of the year. Maori communities across the state have not been the only ones to reap the benefits of the award winner’s dedication, commitment and motivation. Hundreds turned out at the Australia Day ceremony to see four residents rewarded for their contributions to the community.