Brooklyn: ‘Raping machine’ used to assault kidnap victims

A truck driver who abducted and sexually abused three women had built a “raping machine” in a bus he had converted into a home, a court has heard.

Serial rapist Dennis Newall, 56, placed his terrified victims on the home-made, crucifix-shaped machine before raping them.

Newall told the women the machine was not finished and that he was planning to build a mechanical arm to help him carry out his depraved fantasies.

The father of four had even used his son to help him abduct two of the women and take them to the converted bus in a Brooklyn industrial estate.

Newall pleaded guilty in the County Court on Thursday to kidnapping and raping two prostitutes between November and December, 2001.

He had been jailed in 2002 for eight years for kidnapping and raping another prostitute on November 30, 2011, but the other two victims only recently came forward to police.

The court was told that Newall and an unidentified man abducted one of the victims from St Kilda in November, 2001. 

She was ordered to get in the back seat of Newall’s car and had a blanket placed over her head before being taken to the converted bus.

Newall led the victim to a wooden cross at the back of the bus, which he said was a sex machine he was building.

The victim, who was 27 at the time, got on the cross and told Newall she would do whatever he wanted but pleaded for him not to hurt her. Newall then repeatedly raped her before asking how she rated his performance.

In her victim impact statement read to the court, the former prostitute said she had never felt fear like that in her life when Newall showed her the “raping machine”.

She said that when she saw the wooden cross she feared Newall was not only a rapist but also a sadistic killer.

The victim could not imagine anyone being so depraved as to think up a “raping machine” and then actually start building one.

She described her abduction and sexual abuse as well-planned, and said she was certain Newall had had many other victims.

“You’re sick and you need help,” the woman told Newall.

The second victim was a 20-year-old prostitute when Newall and his son, Aaron – who the court heard was terrified of his father and did whatever he said – grabbed her in St Kilda and took her to Brooklyn.

She told the court she had been a strong, confident and independent woman before being abducted and raped by Newall.

“He has destroyed me,” the mother of two said.

The victim said that when she was taken into the bus, Newall became psychotic and the pain he inflicted on her had been unbearable.

She said she continued to have nightmares about the ordeal more than a decade later.

The court was told Aaron had received a suspended six-month jail term in December, after pleading guilty to his role in kidnapping the second victim. He had received a suspended 18-month jail term in 2002 over the November 30, 2011, kidnapping of another prostitute.

Dennis Newall, who was jailed in Western Australia in 2012 for seven and a half years for raping another prostitute, will be sentenced at a later date.

This story first appeared in The Age