Australia Day: Kim Thien Truong named citizen of the year

If Brimbank had a guardian angel, it would be Deer Park resident Kim Thien Truong.

The avid charity and volunteer worker has been crowned Brimbank’s citizen of the year, and with good reason.

The Vietnamese-Australian established Kim’s Foundation of Hope six years ago and has raised nearly $200,000 for the treatment of four sick children overseas. She has also helped countless others with student scholarships.

“When I arrived in Australia, I couldn’t believe how well I was looked after,” Ms Truong says.

“One day I was sick with a fever and one of the ladies from church took me to hospital. When I woke up, it was night and she was still beside my bed. It touched my heart. She wasn’t my mum or aunty, yet she opened her heart to me and I knew I wanted to do the same for others.”

Ms Truong has raised more than $11,000 for the Cancer Council and $18,000 for Queensland flood victims in 2010-11.

She has volunteered for Clean Up Australia Day since 2005, and also volunteers for City West Water and rubbish pick-ups. She does the Run for the Kids and Relay for Life every year.

“Vietnam is my motherland, but Australia is my home country. I’m proud to be part of it and proud that I can put my hands together with others to make it a better place for everyone.”


The cream of Brimbank honoured