NATIONAL: Liberal leadership spill set for Tuesday

Western Australian backbenchers Luke Simpkins and Don Randall have announced they will move a leadership spill on Tuesday against the Prime Minister on Tuesday, declaring Tony Abbott’s decision to knight Prince Philip was the “final proof” of disconnection with voters.

Mr Simpkins emailed colleagues on Friday to say he had been inundated by voters with concerns about the direction of the government. 

“The last time this outpouring of concern happened was when we were being led to support the Rudd government’s ETS [emissions trading scheme] and faced with this erosion of our base support we acted,” he said.

“I think that we must bring this to a head and test the support of the leadership of the party room.

“I have therefore submitted to the chief government whip a motion to spill the leadership positions of the Federal Parliamentary Liberal Party.”

The motion threatens to end Tony Abbott’s tenure as Prime Minister.

It also means deputy Liberal leader Julie Bishop’s position will also be up for grabs.

Comment is being sought from Ms Bishop and the other leadership contender, Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

Leadership speculation has been building since Mr Abbott’s infamous Australia Day honour, with his decision to knight Prince Philip widely ridiculed. The party’s disastrous performance in the Queensland state election on the weekend put further pressure on the Prime Minister.

In a statement, Chief Government Whip Philip Ruddock said Mr Abbott had agreed to have the spill motion “listed for discussion” on Tuesday.

Mr Ruddock said the motion by Mr Simpkins and seconded by Mr Randall proposes that “the Liberal Party room resolve, via secret ballot, that the senior positions of the Federal Parliamentary Liberal Party be declared vacant”.

In his email to colleagues, Mr Simpkins said “this gives you all an opportunity to either endorse the Prime Minister or to seek a new direction”. 

“As I have said in the past, I have no front bench ambitions. I just want to make sure that the economic vandals do not get back into power and our children and grandchildren are not left to pay Labor’s bill,” he wrote.

“I do this because I believe it is in the best interests of the people of our country.”    

Earlier on Friday, Ms Bishop passed up an opportunity to try and quell backbench unrest, saying those pushing for a spill to topple Mr Abbott as Prime Minister will do as they see fit.

Ms Bishop, who a week ago was considered a leadership contender, is now shoring up her own position as deputy.

When asked if she would advise her colleagues against launching an attempt to dislodge Mr Abbott, Ms Bishop declined.

 “No, I don’t have any advice for my colleagues because they are elected members of Parliament and they will take whatever action they see fit,” she said.

“My message to the backbench is focus on teamwork, focus on what we can achieve as a united cohesive team.”

More to come

This story first appeared in The Age