Cars an easy hit for thieves, say police

Brimbank drivers are inviting thieves to steal their handbags, iPads and shopping from their cars by leaving them in plain sight, according to top cop Chris Gilbert.

Inspector Gilbert said that of the last nine thefts from cars recorded in Brimbank, five of the cars were unlocked, one had a handbag visible on the seat, another had tools visible and the remaining two had their number plates stolen – despite the widespread availability of one-way screws.

“Each theft was easily preventable,” he said. “If the cars were locked, it’s unlikely they would be targeted.

“If personal property was hidden from view and plates were fixed with one-way screws, they would likely not have been targeted either.”

More than 2200 thefts from cars were recorded across Brimbank between October, 2013, and September, 2014 – down 9.1 per cent from the previous year.

Despite the drop, Inspector Gilbert said the number of iPads, laptops, electronic equipment and other valuables being stolen from cars was disturbing.

He said shopping centre and train station carparks were among the worst spots to leave valuables within view.

Drivers can get free one-way screws fitted to their number plates this Saturday, March 14, between 10am and 2.30pm at the Caroline Springs Square shopping centre on Lake Street.