From the Archives: The Advocate

40 years ago

April 16, 1975

The Sunshine Chamber of Commerce and Industry is now a reality. The president of the new chamber is Sunshine businessman John Mitchell. The portfolio holder for planning in Sunshine council, Cr Vic Parsons, said today it was expected that the chamber, or a committee of the chamber, would become – in effect, at least – an advisory committee to Sunshine council.

30 years ago

April 17, 1985

Sunshine mayor Ian Mill has hit back at criticism of his trip to a peace conference in Japan in August. Cr Con McKay called the trip to the First World conference of Mayors for Peace through inter-city solidarity “the most preposterous proposal ever contemplated by any Sunshine council”. In a prepared statement, Cr Mill said: “The cause is extremely worthy and the City of Sunshine as a nuclear-free city should be seen to be in support.”

20 years ago

April 19, 1995

Some sports clubs in the City of Brimbank might be forced off their grounds in a crackdown by the council on organisations that owe it long-term debts. Twenty-four clubs owe the council almost $85,000 in overdue ground rental or loan repayments. Some of the debts date back more than two years. The largest debtor is the Keilor Sports Club, which owes $14,117.60.

10 years ago

April 19, 2005

The spacious grounds of Sunshine RSL sub-branch were crowded with memories as members laid out rows of small crosses commemorating men and women who died for their country. More than 350 crosses stood in ranks on either side of the sub-branch cenotaph for Sunday’s memorial service held ahead of Anzac Day next Monday. Many of the crosses were made by World War II veteran, now sub-branch pensions officer Bill Clayton.