Sunshine West: McCoubrie Avenue land sale bid riles residents

A vacant block in Sunshine West will be auctioned off despite the objections of nearly 100 residents.

The council voted last week to sell the McCoubrie Avenue land, which is used as a pedestrian thoroughfare to Bickley and Nuttall courts.

Despite receiving 97 objections, administrators determined the 2798-square- metre block was surplus to the council’s needs.

Barbara and John Frahm have lived next door to the block since 1974 and say it was one of the reasons they bought their property.

Ms Frahm said many children crossed the block walking to and from school, while others, their grandchildren included, played there.

Bickley Court resident Roberta Castella said she was concerned developers would purchase the site and build units, which would make surrounding streets busier and disturb the quiet area.

In a conciliatory gesture, the council has agreed to spend $100,000 from the proceeds of the sale to upgrade a parcel of nearby land between Buckingham and Howitt crescents.

Administrators chair John Watson said the Howitt Crescent site had greater existing and potential connectivity to the surrounding community.

But former Brimbank mayor Sam David branded the council’s decision a shame.

“This is wrong, very wrong indeed,” Mr David said.

“[The council] needs to look at the community from time to time, not just the money.”