Chickens a hit in St Albans

chook 24-7-17 St.Albans Heights Primary school. National Chook Health Day! A healthy chook is a good layer. Students with chooksc and eggs. Monique and Anh and Snowy the chook and todays egg!

Students at St Albans Heights Primary School are clucking with excitement as they prepare to enter a school chicken in the Royal Melbourne Show egg laying competition.

The school started caring for chickens in June, and teacher Rebecca Warren said they had been a fantastic addition to the school program.

“The kids all love the chickens, they’ve become one of the highlights of the week for them,” Ms Warren said.

“Many of the children don’t have pets, or any experience of farms and caring for animals so it’s a really valuable for them to learn about caring for animals.”

The school will enter in the Melbourne Show’s poultry competition, which tests the size and health of the eggs to determine the health of the chicken.

The school uses the chickens’ eggs in its breakfast club and a unit has been designed around teaching students about responsible pet ownership.

“They’re an important part of the school now,” Ms Warren said.

“The grade threes and fours are the main ones working with them now, but next year it might be a different group so everyone gets a good go.

“It will be great for the kids going to the show with their families to be able to see the eggs they’ve cared for in the competition.”