St Albans boy invited to Paris to solve Rubik’s Cube

Calven with just a few of his Rubik's cubes. Picture: Joe Mastroianni

The intensity of Calven Lipec’s concentration is almost as impressive as the speed at which his fingers fly as he races against the clock to solve a Rubik’s cube.

The 11-year-old from St Albans has managed to realign the six surfaces of the cube in a lightening fast 14 seconds.

The feat is all the more impressive considering the Sacred Heart primary school pupil hadn’t laid eyes on the toy until just seven months ago.

Dad Jeremy said Calven started entering formal competitions in February, and quickly shortened his time by practising for three hours every day.

“He always said once he gets under a minute he’d stop, but it becomes a kind of addiction, he’s gone from four minutes to one minute, and his best time is now 14 seconds,” Jeremy said.

Calven’s personal record has landed him a spot in the World Rubik’s Cube Championship in Paris next month. Jeremy said he’d love him to go but he may not be able to afford the airfare.

“But it’s a fantastic accomplishment for an 11-year-old boy,” he said.

Calven said he loves the theatre involved when solving the puzzle before an audience.

“I like solving it in front of people, it makes me really happy,” he said.