Tart takes the cake

23/05/2017. Brimbank Star Weekly. Tart. Issue Date 30/05. Catholic Regional College, Sydenham. Annual custard tart bake off. Pictured are guest judge Paul Mercurio and yr12 student and last years winner Olivia Giaccotto. Picture Shawn Smits.

It was hard to tell who was happier at Catholic Regional College Sydenham last week – the principal or the students.

The school’s trade training centre students competed in a custard tart bake-off.

The baked treat is a favourite of principal Brendan Watson, and this year – the seventh in which the bake-off has been run – he had 52 of them to sample.

The students also had their own thrill, with celebrity foodie Paul Mercurio coming along as a judge and conducting a cooking class with them after the bake-off.

Training centre bakery manager Belinda Orsini said the day had been a hit.

“Everything has to be hand-made, and there’s extra points for originality in the recipes,” she said. “There were some very strong entries.

“Paul had a great time and has already put his hand up to come back next year for us. He did a master class for our hospitality students and they served him lunch, so it was a good day all round with him at the school.”

Olivia Giaccotto backed up her win in last year’s competition by taking out the $500 first prize this year. For the first time the school introduced a special prize for the most original entry. Ms Giaccotto won that prize, too.

“We had a prize for those that thought outside the box,” Ms Orsini said.

“Our originality winner was an encased custard tart which was in the shape of the Quidditch ball from

Harry Potter – that was a standout.

“We had a savoury entry this year, which was quite different – a savoury custard which was a bit out there but still very nice.”

Students from the trade centre will continue to hone their skills in readiness for employment in the hospitality industry next year.