Pop-up op shop for one day only in Sunshine

The Youth Junction Inc's John Clark with some of the goods to be sold on Friday.

A silver coin won’t buy you much nowadays.

But for one day this week, you can purchase a secondhand item of clothing, a piece of art, used furniture or a toy for a silver coin donation.

Not-for-profit organisation The Youth Junction Inc is holding a pop-up op shop on Friday, March 26, at its base inside the Visy Cares Hub at Sunshine.

Youth Junction’s John Clark says people are often donating clothing and furniture they no longer need, so the organisation runs a one-day only pop-up op shop event every three months to on-sell the items.

“You’ll be able to pick up clothes for just five cents, and cheap crockery and bikes,” he says.

Baristas in training will be serving up coffees for gold coin donations, there’ll also be a sausage sizzle, lucky dips and a raffle.First prize in the raffle draw is a windsurfer.

The pop-up op shop is on March 24, 11am until 3pm, inside the multi-purpose room at Visy Cares Hub, Sunshine.