Food Is Free in Sunshine lives on

Paul Sargeant has sold his Albion home to moved to Romsey. Image by Shawn Smits

The family that brought a global free food initiative to Albion has moved on.

Paul Sargeant decided to convert the front garden of his Selwyn Avenue home into a vegie patch after the birth of his son, Will, about eight years ago.

He bought chickens for eggs and began growing carrots, silverbeet, corn, zucchinis, leeks, beetroot, radishes, brussel sprouts and spring onions he would then give to neighbours for free.

And so the #FoodIsFreeSunshine initiative was born as an offshoot to the Food Is Free Project that started in the US in 2012 as a community building and gardening movement.

Mr Sargeant’s project evolved further with the building of a wicking garden bed on his front nature strip and a sharing table at which other residents could leave their excess produce.

But after nine years at the house, the Sargeant family has sold up and moved to the Macedon Ranges.

Mr Sargeant said he hoped the sharing table would continue to thrive at its new location at the Albion Eco Living Centre, supported by the Albion Ardeer Community Club, and he would continue to administer the #FoodIsFreeSunshine Facebook page.

Alexandra Laskie