How many suitcases would 100 kilograms of spectacles fill? “You’d need about five, or five-and-a-half big suitcases,” says David Kerruish. And the Caroline Springs Rotarian would know. For more than 15 years he and his wife, Mai, have travelled to Thailand with an extra suitcase in tow, full of pairs of glasses.
Once there, the couple go to remote areas and distribute the glasses to older people and those unable to afford a pair.
“We’ve identified places in Third World countries – Thailand, Philippines – and we take them over there and distribute them,” he said.
The former Melton Rotary president collects unwanted glasses from Meadownick laser eye surgery once every few months.
To get the loot overseas, they call on friends travelling to Phuket or Manila to take an extra suitcase, which is paid for and collected once they arrive.
But in recent years the Kerruish’s good deeds have become somewhat bigger, and Mr Kerruish now needs help from the international Rotary community to help carry the load.
He’s talking to Rotary clubs in Thailand and hopes they will help distribute the donated goods this year. To donate, call 0408 266 855.