Little ones set for school

24/01/2017. Brimbank Star Weekly. Prep. Issue Date 07/02. Delahey. Mackellar Primary School. 5 yr old Jack starting Prep. Pictrure Shawn Smits.

Seventy-one fresh-faced five-year-olds will front for their first day at MacKellar Primary School on Tuesday, including young Jack Davis (pictured). The transition from kindergarten to primary school is a big and exciting step, but it can also be a daunting one, says the Delahey primary school’s wellbeing co-ordinator Tanya O’Brien. So when pupils were enrolled, their families were enrolled along with them, she says. “As a KidsMatter school, we foster a positive community, one that is founded on respectful relationships and a sense of belonging and inclusion,” she says.

The new pupils will be taught Italian, have classes in visual and performing arts, take part in daily physical activities, plant vegetables and fruit trees in the school’s own garden, meet new friends and, of course, learn how to read and write.