Residents reach limit on parking

Train commuters are robbing Deer Park residents of parking spaces, says one resident. Picture: Kristian Scott

Commuters who park in residential streets near Deer Park train station will have to find spaces further away if Brimbank council extends two-hour limits to another three streets within a short walk of the station.

Brimbank council’s infrastructure and city services director Neil Whiteside said the council is proposing to extend parking restrictions around the station to reduce parking congestion in the area.

Two-hour parking limits between 9am and 6pm weekdays are proposed in Wood Street, between Byrne Street and Station Road, Byrne Street between Wood and Poole streets, and Neimur Avenue between Railway Parade and Poole Street.

There are also two-hour parking limits in place in sections of Railway Parade and Byrne Street.

The council sent residents in affected streets a questionnaire last week requesting feedback on its proposal, and responses are due before Friday.

Mr Whiteside said the council is well aware there is a significant shortfall in commuter car parking at the train station.

This, he said, has led to parking congestion in residential streets, which was exacerbated when the Sunbury line was closed in October for level crossing removal works.

“Council has, in the last couple of years, installed parking restrictions in some of the streets near Deer Park station to address congestion, and access issues caused by greater levels of commuter carparking,” Mr Whiteside said. “Council officers have monitored the on-street parking conditions since the October rail closure, and are currently reviewing the option to extend the existing parking restrictions in this area to deal with the congestion.”

Byrne Street resident Paul Oates said train commuters are taking up all available parking.

“My neighbour’s visiting nurse was not able to park near his address, and she had to park more than a kilometre away and walk to his house, with equipment,” Mr Oates said.

The state government will add another 225 parking spaces at Deer Park train station, expected to be ready late next year.