Petition calls for safer streets


More than 80 people have signed a petition calling on Brimbank council to install speed humps to stop drivers “hooning” past a Sunshine North childcare centre.

Petition organiser Jeni Butler said she felt compelled to do something about the dangerous speeds drivers travel at outside Jigsaw Child Care Centre, on Phoenix Street, after she and her three-and-a-half-year-old son were nearly hit while crossing the road.

“I was dropping off my son one day and as we were crossing the road a car screamed past us,” the Sunshine North resident said. “This car really flew past … and I just didn’t feel safe.”

Ms Butler left a petition inside the childcare centre, where it gathered 81 signatures from parents and childcare centre staff.

“People do the rat run [down Phoenix Street] to avoid McIntyre Road.

“There is a lot of bad driving,” she said. “I just feel like it’s just a matter of time before someone comes flying around the corner … and little kids can run out so quickly.”

The petition asks for traffic calming measures such as speed humps, reduced speeds or a zebra crossing out the front of the centre.

“The safety of our children is at risk while there is no speed reduction of this busy thoroughfare,” the petition reads.

“There have been a number of ‘close calls’ and we would like the council to address this serious safety concern before a tragedy occurs.” Jigsaw Child Care Centre manager Bronwyn Ryan said she has been concerned about reckless drivers outside the centre for some time.

“The speed the university students drive past the centre at is amazing,” she said.

There are currently 120 children who attend the centre each day, and children from 180 families across the week.

Expansion plans will see those numbers swell to 156 children next year, or an additional 40 families.

The petition was tabled at a council meeting late last month.