Caroline Springs Anzac Day crowd pays emotional tribute

Hundreds of people braved early morning rain to pay their respects at the Anzac Day Dawn Service at Caroline Springs.

The showers fortunately stopped as the ceremony began just before 6am, with veterans and families gathering to hear dignitaries speak in honour of the original Anzacs and all those who has served since.

Speakers included Caroline Springs RSL president Peter Berquest, Kororoit MP Marlene Kairouz, Melton mayor Nola Dunn, Mr Alan Godfrey and naval Warrant Officer Clinton Hall from HMAS Cerberus.

RSL member Rod Quarrell, resplendent in a coat adorned with poppies, MCd the proceedings and Fr John Tollen, from St Catherine of Sienna parish, performed the opening and final prayers.

Most of the crowd, which included plenty of children, were unable to hear the speeches but stood patiently for an hour.

Salvation Army bugler Gordon Moore played the Last Post before a minute’s silence. He then performed Rouse/Reveille as flags were raised from half mast.

A series of community leaders, veterans and representatives from local emergency services, sports clubs, businesses and schools laid wreaths in front of the war memorial and 41 small white crosses, each representing the Australian Defence Force personnel killed in Afghanistan during the past decade.

The ceremony ended with the national anthem, led ably by children from Kororoit Creek Primary School.

Speaking after the service Mr Berquest said he was extremely pleased with the massive turnout.

The ceremony was followed by a “Gunfire Breakfast” at The Club, which hosts the Caroline Springs RSL.