Caroline Springs sprinter sets a cracking pace

Brookside College's Steven, Frank, Adrian and Aolani took out the state title for the 4 x100 m relay. PHOTO: Kristian Scott

A talented female sprinter from Caroline Springs is setting a cracking pace for boys her age to follow.

Brookside College grade five pupil Aolani Guyett joined the school’s 11-year-old boys relay team of Adrian Timothy, Frank Mazza and Steven Huynh, in their 100 metre final win at the State Primary Track and Field Championships at Lakeside Stadium on October 24.

Aolani also finished fifth in the individual 100 metres to cap off a great meet.

The school’s relay team was created using the four fastest 11-year-olds at its recent school carnival.

College sport co-ordinator Dale Thompson said Aolani’s talent demanded she “mix it with the boys” at the state carnival.

“Aolani was the second fastest [at the school carnival],” he said. “They [the relay team] broke a record at the western regional [event] and qualified fastest for the final at state.”

Coach Ian Guyett said it was a “David and Goliath-like” victory.

“It’s like the Dogs winning the grand final,” he said. “We broke the back of all the private schools. We took a soccer player, a basketballer, a girl and an ahtlete and they won.

“It was the baton changes which won it for them … it helped them learn about trust.”