In a global classroom

Overnewton Anglican Community College students are using their tech savvy to connect up with fellow students around the world.

Year 4C students will write two pages for an eBook, If You Learned Here, which is a global collaboration of 76 schools in 20 countries.

Students from participating schools share information about how they learn and examine the differences between school start and
finish times, learning methods and even uniforms.

Overnewton is the only school in Australia taking part in the project.

Year 4C teacher Rachel Crowther said she was surprised to find no other Australian schools had signed up.

“There’s a few schools in New Zealand taking part. But apart from that, there’s a
lot of schools in North America, Europe,
Russia and throughout Asia,” Ms Crowther said. “Technology means our classroom is not just the classroom; it can be the world and we can learn from its people about their lives and what sort of things are important to them. It’s been a very interesting experience for us.”

Pupil James Nguyen said many schools around the world did not make their
students wear a uniform, while other schools required them to pray at a temple or church.

Fellow pupil Kellah McCaw said Overnewton students also learned maths differently to other schools.

“We learn maths with cards, and we do races with stopwatches. Some other schools do maths by counting, or singing a song,” she said.

Charlene Macaulay