Melbourne: Marching to recovery from addictions

Nikki McCoy wants people to know that they can recover from drug and alcohol addictions.

The Werribee resident has vowed to continue a campaign started with her nephew, Zachary, who died of a heroin overdose three weeks ago, devastating his family.

Ms McCoy said Zachary, 36, had been helping her to organise a march through Melbourne to remind people that recovery is possible. The pair wanted to raise awareness of the treatment and support services available in Melbourne.

Unfortunately, Zachary lost his own battle before the event could be realised.

The march, which has been organised with the help of the Recovery Academy of Australia, is from 11.30am this Sunday, April 12, starting at the State Library.

“For us, it seems like recovery is a secret to some people,” Ms McCoy said.

“We want them to know that they can recover. We know that it does take quite a while, but a person’s chances of recovery are quite high.

“I think it’s important for people to know they can recover and have a fantastic life. Having a drug and alcohol problem is not a life sentence,” she said.

Ms McCoy hopes the march will also draw attention to the support services available to families.

As a drug and alcohol worker, she has watched families struggle to find support after their loved ones lose their battles.

“I am very focused on families. Sometimes the families go through hell, but they can recover,” she said.

Find out more

More details about the march can be found at facebook/recoveryacademyaustralia.