High life gets green light

Plans for a six-storey apartment building at Cairnlea have been given the green light, despite residents’ concerns.

Last November, Brimbank council received a proposal for a mixed-use development on vacant land at 93 Furlong Road.

At last Tuesday’s meeting, the council gave the application its nod of approval, subject to conditions.

As previously reported by

Star Weekly, residents were angry they were given no chance to object because the council decided not to advertise the proposal.

The council’s city development director Stuart Menzies said the proposal was in line with council’s approved plans for the area, thus removing the need for local feedback and formal objections.

Brimbank and Melton residents group president and Cairnlea local Vesna Mijatovic said she was disappointed the development was going ahead without the input of residents.

“It’s just simply unfair that residents haven’t had a say,” Ms Mijatovic said. She said most Cairnlea residents had “no idea” what was planned.

The proposal includes two six-storey apartment blocks of 192 apartments and 45 double-storey houses, plus shops and 401 car spaces. Council made 30 changes and imposed 50 conditions. Mr Menzies said some of the conditions related to traffic improvements, access, pedestrian movements and the retail layout.

Yasemin Talat