#FoodIsFreeSunshine: Rich recipe for sharing

It’s food, it’s free and it’s grown in a neighbour’s front yard – welcome to #FoodIsFreeSunshine.

The global movement of sharing homegrown fruit and vegies has come to the west and Albion’s Paul Sargeant and his family are encouraging others to get involved.

Mr Sargeant said the movement was about much more than free food – it was also about building and connecting communities.

“The simple act of moving our vegie gardens to our front yards forces us to spend more time living out the front, rather than hiding in our backyard,” Mr Sargeant said.

“This simple change immediately creates interest, with neighbours and strangers from all backgrounds, demographics, ethnicities and age groups stopping to see and ask what you are doing.

“It doesn’t matter who you are, what age, what your background is, or whether you speak English – everyone can connect back to the simple things of growing something and eating something.”

Mr Sargeant also has a vegie garden on his nature strip with a sign that reads #FoodIsFreeSunshine and hopes to add a sharing table so neighbours can share and swap their fruit and vegies.

Details: www.facebook.com/groups/foodisfreesunshine.