Sunshine builder gets green light for seven storeys

A seven-storey complex which Brimbank council says will be an “iconic, high-quality addition” to the Sunshine Activity Centre has been given the go-ahead.

Sunshine-based applicant Boran Real Estate (BRE) was last week granted a planning permit to construct a seven-storey building that will include 63 homes, five shops and 66 car spaces.

However, a council report states the developer still requires a building permit for work to start on the Sun Crescent site.

The granting of a planning permit is a long-awaited victory for BRE, which has been working on plans for the 1595-square metre site since 2012.

In 2013, BRE was granted permission for a two-lot subdivision and boundary realignment of the vacant land.

Last year, an application for a planning permit had to be advertised twice after it was originally described as having 55 dwellings instead of 63.

There were 49 objections to the application, mostly concerned with the height, size and density of the development, its potentially poor architectural quality, visual impact, traffic generation and insufficient parking.

A council report submitted to the council on May 12 stated: “The proposed height of the development is considered to be consistent with the direction of the Sunshine Structure Plan. Whilst the overall height [is] higher than the preferred height, [it is] considered to be justified.”

“The design sought will deliver a high-quality architectural and urban design outcome for the site and a visually appealing landmark.”

The report acknowledged the “on-site provision of carparking does not meet the rate specified in the Brimbank Planning Scheme”, but stated the excellent access to public transport and services made it “the exact scenario where a reduction in parking should be allowed”.

Some objectors had concerns the building would be used for student housing and “set a precedent for similar development” as well as add to “too-many flats and hostels in the area already”.

The report acknowledged the possibility the building could be used for student accommodation but allayed concerns it would set a precedent for more high-level developments.

“This particular site can accommodate increased height to the corner given its corner edge to Anderson Road,” the report states.

“Whilst there may be many ‘flats’ in the surrounding area, the type of development proposed is new to Sunshine and offers a product that is not commonly available at present.”