Forty years ago

May 7, 1975

Sunshine council’s director of education and social welfare said she wasn’t a bitch and didn’t intend to resign.

“I’ll stay and fight,” Mrs Monica Bannikoff said. Her outburst followed reports that she planned to resign over council’s decision not to sack George Anastassiou, a migrant extension services officer.

“I am not a nasty academic bitch trying to get poor George Anastassiou out of his job,” she said.

Thirty years ago

May 8, 1985

The west’s major hospital is not keen to take blood samples from people who want to be tested for the deadly AIDS virus.

This is due to the casualty department’s heavy workload, Western General Hospital’s spokeswoman, Kirsty Richards, said this week. The test, called HLTV 3 antibody test, screens blood for antibodies to the virus that in 10 to 15 per cent of people infected causes AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).

Twenty years ago

May 3, 1995

Keilor has missed out on its long-hoped-for new hospital, but its residents will benefit from increased services at Western Hospital’s Sunshine campus. And it may get a day surgery centre. Western’s Sunshine campus will be upgraded to cater for the growing number of people in Keilor, Melton and Bulla. Some services, including aged care, from the Royal Melbourne and North West hospitals, will be redirected to Western.

Ten years ago

May 3, 2005

Final plans for Sunshine’s $7.6million Swim and Leisure Centre redevelopment were unveiled last week in a friendly atmosphere – a marked contrast to recent noisy meetings at which critics loudly demanded more input to the planning process. Mayor Natalie Suleyman conducted last Wednesday’s unveiling in the absence of the 50 or more residents who have regularly packed the municipal visitors’ gallery to heckle councillors.


, at times bringing council business to a halt