Sound of music in the streets of Sunshine

The sounds of music are hitting the streets of Sunshine.

As part of Community Music Victoria’s StreetSounds project, an outdoor outfit of Sunshine minstrels will be one of 10 new street bands forming across Victoria in the lead-up to a festival of street bands in 2017.

StreetSounds manager Lyndal Chambers is excited about the inclusiveness of the project.

“People getting together to play music is good for community health and social wellbeing,” she said.

The Sunshine band began when resident Peter Hinton was seeking somewhere to play music with his daughter.

When he heard about StreetSounds he decided to “give it a go”.

“The band will be open to beginners through to experienced players,” he said.

The band’s first meeting will be on Tuesday, June 2, from 7.30pm at Albion Community House. Details: