Naked man arrested in Keilor

A naked and apparently confused man was arrested by police after running through Keilor towards oncoming traffic last weekend.

Local police arrested the man around 9.30pm on February 27 after a concerned phone call from Keilor resident Sarah Harbeck.

She was driving along the Old Calder Highway when the naked man jumped out from the side of the road.

“It was very weird,” she told Star Weekly.

“I was leaving my Mum’s place and I had to do a double take.

“I turned around to make sure I had seen what I had seen and then I rang triple-0.

“He was running into oncoming traffic and a trail bike nearly ran him over.

“I stayed to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid but I didn’t want to get too close in case he was dangerous.

“The cops where there within five minutes and took him away.

“I overheard him saying to the police he had no idea where his clothes were and had no idea where he had come from.

“It was very strange.”

Keilor Downs police declined to comment.