Revamped outdoor learning area

Ardeer South Primary School is home to a new $25,000 outdoor learning area. (Supplied)

Ardeer South Primary School has unveiled its newly transformed outdoor learning space, as part of the federal government’s schools upgrade fund.

With a $25,000 allocation, the school upgraded the outdoor learning area to include chairs, tables, UV shade sails as well as a veggie garden.

Each class has their own dedicated pod within the garden, helping to foster a sense of responsibility among students.

The official opening of the upgraded outdoor area coincided with the week of Anzac Day. To commemorate the event, the school hosted a teddy bear’s picnic, inspired by Belinda Landsberry’s ‘Anzac Ted’ book. And, of course, the picnic spread featured the iconic Anzac biscuits.

Ardeer South principal Andrea Markham said the refurbishment would greatly enhance students’ learning.

“The new outdoor space complements our commitment to sustainability while giving kids a chance to authentically learn about the environment as they’re in it,” she said.

Fraser MP Dr Daniel Mulino congratulated the school on their work, particularly for the inclusion of a vegetable garden in the project.

“Gardening has been shown to have great benefits for children’s health and development as well as instilling a love of the outdoors,” he said.

“Children feel a great sense of pride seeing vegetables or herbs they’ve grown being used in meals and of course they learn invaluable lessons in patience seeing the vegetables slowly grow.”

The year 6 leadership team took on the role of hosting the official opening during Anzac week, which included a performance of the Australian national anthem in Auslan.