My Place

Horseshoe Bend Community Group founder Cynthia Frain. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 409492_01

Brimbank local and founder of the Horseshoe Bend Community Group Cynthia Frain chats with Hannah Hammoud about her time spent in the area and in environmental stewardship.

What is your connection to Brimbank?

I have always lived in the City of Brimbank – my parents emigrated to Australia in the mid 1950s and settled in what was then the City of Keilor where I was born. The municipality has always been culturally diverse and predominantly working class and I believe the associated values have shaped my beliefs and identity. I continue to live here because my roots are deeply embedded in this community, and it will always be home.

What prompted you to create the Horseshoe Bend Community Group?

Horseshoe Bend Farm was a favourite for my and many other young families until its closure in 2010. Its subsequent neglect and deterioration was a constant grievance in the local community. I used to walk through regularly and was saddened by what the site had become. When the opportunity to do something about it presented in late 2020, I knew I had to make a go of doing just that. This opportunity also came about during the height of COVID’s severe lockdowns when the issues such as social isolation, and the desperate need for families and the community to have access to more open and shared space were highlighted. This was a project that required the vision and drive of a strong community group, and I am proud of the volunteers who have joined me so far, forming a management committee and not-for-profit organisation, the hard work and all we have achieved so far. Preserving the rich history of Horseshoe Bend Reserve alone warrants this appropriate use of the site. Our Group is committed to advocating for the restoration and productive use of the Reserve. There continues to be huge potential for the site as a volunteer/community driven long term ongoing project. A project which will engage and involve the Brimbank City community and many other target groups in worthwhile activities, providing a sense of inclusion, achievement and community pride. Perhaps a legacy for future generations.

What is your favourite part about the group?

Love to see the enthusiasm of new and existing community members who participate in our working bees. The project has attracted people of all ages, ethnicity, skills and levels of ability. It is particularly heart-warming for me to experience and witness the new friendships, shared goals, and the supportive environment our volunteers have created. I’m excited and look forward to the ongoing development of this fabulous community space.

How can people join the group?

We need lots of volunteers to ensure that this huge project realises its vision. We run working bees 3-4 times a month on different days of the week so all who are interested will have an opportunity to attend. To find out more you can visit our Facebook page and send us a message. Or check out our website volunteering page. Or email us on:

What do you like about where you live?

The proximity of Brimbank Park and the Maribyrnong River. The birds and wildlife smack bang in the middle of the suburbs. The local shops in Keilor Village. The sense of community and our passionate, generous volunteers.

What, if anything, would you change about where you live?

The lack of ongoing, consistent maintenance throughout the municipality. Would like to see a more proactive approach by our local governing bodies in the care and maintenance of our community spaces, parks and assets.

Where is your favourite local place to spend time?

Walks through Brimbank Park and Keilor followed by a coffee at one of the many lovely cafes in the area.